And Several Butchers' Aprons

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Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Morbid Mortality Monthly - April

Method acting without limits can have deadly consequences, as 22 year old Italian Renato di Paulo discovered on Good Friday 2000. Di Paulo was playing the part of Judas Iscariot in a traditional Easter play undertaken by the villagers from Camerata Nuova, 50km east of Rome. When re-enacting the part in the story where Judas hangs himself from a tree, the young actor leapt from a rock with a rope around his neck, the other end of which was attached to the branch of an olive tree.

However, Realo's safety harness failed and the noose tightened around his neck. His fellow actors and audience thought his desperate choking was just part of his performance. By the time it occurred to anyone that something might be wrong, it was sadly to late...

Taken from "1001 Ridiculous Ways To Die" (2008) by David Southwell & Matt Adams

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