And Several Butchers' Aprons

A comedy series with a difference - check out our website.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Meat Of The Week #61


Meat Of The Week #61: Bacon Gravy. What better way to get ready for March, or as we have dubbed it: "Bacon Month"

Monday, February 20, 2012

Monday, February 13, 2012

Monday, February 6, 2012

Meat Of The Week #58


Meat Of The Week #58: Sodd. When it goes bad: Sodd off...

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Production Update: Casting Complete

After what seems like years of planning, we finally have our cast locked in! Bringing side splitting fun to your lives very soon is the following team of crazy people:

Scott Congdon
Olivia Darby
Clare Day
Jonathon Fitch
Leon Grey
Sarah Harris
John Silvestro
Samantha Zinner

If you want to find out more about them (why wouldn't you?), check out the cast and crew bio's.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Luke's unsponsored and untitled but hopefully funny video corner

I think we all have friends like these...

Morbid Mortality Monthly - February

Victor Villenti was a strict vegetarian from South Africa who had managed to avoid eating meat for 32 of his 50 years on the planet. While walking through Cape Town in 1991, a frozen leg of lamb fell from a third-story window ledge, where it had been defrosting, and hit Villenti on the head, killing him instantly.

Taken from "1001 Ridiculous Ways To Die" (2008) by David Southwell & Matt Adams